As we consider the Spiritual Discipline of Prayer, we would do well to listen what others have said about prayer: its necessity, its power and its results.
I hope these quotes will inspire you to begin or continue your practice of Prayer.
"There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful that that of a continual conversation with God." Brother Lawrence
"God shapes the world by prayer. The more praying there is in the
world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against
evil." E. M. Bounds
“Prayer— secret, fervent, believing prayer— lies at the root of all personal godliness.” William Carey.
“I have so much business I cannot get on without spending three hours daily in prayer.” Martin Luther
“I love to be alone in my cottage, where I can spend much time in prayer.” David Brainerd
"It is possible to move men, through God, by prayer alone." Hudson Taylor
"Don’t pray when you feel like it.
Have an
appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man is powerful on his knees." Corrie ten Boom
"Prayer is the exercise of drawing on the grace of God." Oswald Chambers
"Prayer does not change the purpose of
God. But
prayer does change the action of God." Chuck Smith
"Satan does not care how many people read
about prayer
if only he can keep them from praying." Paul E. Billheimer
"No learning can make up for the failure to
pray. No
earnestness, no diligence, no study, no gifts will supply its lack."
E.M. Bounds
"He who has learned to pray has learned the greatest secret of a
holy and happy life." William Law
“I would rather teach one man to pray than ten men to
preach.” Charles Spurgeon
"Prayer is not monologue, but dialogue; God's voice is its most
essential part. Listening to God's voice is the secret of the assurance
that He will listen to mine." Andrew Murray
"Prayer at its highest is a two-way conversation -- and for me the most important part is listening to God's replies." Frank C. Laubach
"To have God speak to the heart is a majestic experience, an
experience that people may miss if they monopolize the conversation and
never pause to hear God's responses." Charles Stanley
"Prayer is essentially the expression of our heart longing for
love. It is not so much the listing of our requests but the breathing
of our own deepest request, to be united with God as fully as
possible." Jeffrey D. Imbach
whether the desire for prayer is on you or not, get to your closet at
the set time; shut yourself in with God; wait upon Him; seek His face;
realize Him; pray.” R. F. Horton
"Prayer does not
fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater
work." Oswald Chambers
Prayers touch the heart of God and He takes action in our world in response. I pray that these words from some of the church's greatest minds will inspire you to take time today and spend it in prayer.
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