Time: 24 hours each day, 7 days each week, 4 weeks each month, 12 months each year, ? years each lifetime. That's all we're allotted. All of us. No more, no less. How are we using the time we are given? Do the things we do each day bring us joy and a sense of accomplishment? Or do we waste our time on things of little value?
This was brought home to me last night. I spent all afternoon watching Netflix. First I finished up a disc of a TV show I received in the mail on Saturday. Then I watched several hours of a Netflix streaming TV show. I had other things I could be doing: a college assignment that's due today, dishes in the sink, pots of flowers that needed watering, kitties who'd love for me to play with them, friends whom I could call.
The list is long ... all the things that I need and even want to do. But I felt powerless to turn off the TV. I felt kind of blue, kind of tired, kind of like a blob.
Today, during my quiet time, I began thinking of all those wasted hours ... wishing I could press rewind ... wanting a 'do-over.' Since that is impossible, all I can do now is to vow to do better in the future. And so that's what I've done: I've taken a vow to watch no more than 3 hours of TV per day. That may seem like a lot to many of you, but given that I often spend 8-9 hours plopped in front of the TV, 3 hours seems to be a good starting point.
What can I do with all this extra time I'll have? I'm making a list. (I love to make lists!) I'm adding the things I know I should do (the housework, the homework) plus the things I want to do (tend my garden, play with the cats, call a friend, make more lists). I know I will feel better about myself. I will be doing productive, joy-full activities. I will be redeeming the time and creating a life full of purpose and beauty.
What are your "Black Holes" of wasted time?" Is is TV shows, too. Or do you waste your time on other frivolous activities: computer games, Facebook or Pinterest, gossiping, overeating, drinking to excess, obsessive exercising, watching sports or cooking shows, shopping 'til you drop, over-sleeping?
There's nothing wrong with any of these activities. Only when they suck up too much of our precious time. Everything in moderation may sound trite, but it's true nonetheless. Let's examine our use of time. Are there ways we can use our time more wisely?
Yes, it's about time ... but it's also about discipline. Sometimes we just have to shake ourselves and give ourselves a good talking to. Let's apply a little self-discipline to our lives. We'll be glad we did.
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